Monday, November 30, 2020

Nov. 30 Meeting online on TEAMS

In case you missed our meeting on-line here is what we did.
We checked in with everyone with the question - What is your favourite cookie any why?
We said our promise together.  

We made our gingerbread man cookie.
Here is the video of how to -

We learned a new song and dance!
Click here to start

We made our gingerbread fun foam craft. 
We did a scavenger hunt for the one object we'd take with us if we had to leave the house immediately.

We said goodnight!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

First online meeting.

Our first on-line meeting will be Nov. 30th at 6:30 pm.  
You should have received an email invitation to a TEAMS meeting.

Please wear your Guide shirt.

You will need your activity ziplock and make sure you have scissors and glue and a marker or pen ready for one of the crafts.

We will be using these parts of the activity ziplock.

Here are a few of the storm drains Guides have adopted

Ruby has named hers - “Leaf Me Alone”.

Yael has named hers "Eat Your Leaves, Joan of Ark".

Lydia’s has adopted twins “Drip and Turns out Drip”.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Service Projects

This week I wanted our group to focus on “service projects”.

As Girl Guides we try to do things that help other people.
Things we have done in the past include making cards for seniors and veterans for different holidays, beach clean ups, making emergency kits for families in shelters, garbage clean up in the neighbourhood and lots of others.

I heard a radio interview with another Guide Leader on CBC radio. She talked about a project both her family and her Guide group is doing.
It’s free and it’s fun.
My sister and I started doing this project last year. You get to give a name to your storm drain! 
We named our two storm drains in front of our house– “
The Grate Bar Rier Reef” and “No Re Leaf In Sight”.

To get started go to 
the city of Vancouver website -

Click here for the City of Vancouver Website

Here is a video to tell you what is all about- 
Watch this

Take a picture and tell us the name you have given to your storm drain and email to our Guide email! 

CAMPFIRE at home!
I miss singing with all of you. Here is a virtual campfire for you from the Alberta Girl Guides. 
Click to start a campfire

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Nov. 16 Working on the Alberta Girl Guides Night Powler challenge


November 16th 
Over the last month we have been working on a challenge from the Alberta Girl Guides called the "Night Prowl" challenge. 
Our geocaching at night started off our activities.  
One of our very clear night sky parking lot meetings we also identified three planets - Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

This week our information is about animals who like to come out at night!
On our Halloween party night we shaped our edible treat to look like a bat.
Have you seen a bat here in Vancouver? Sometimes they are hard to spot. In Vancouver it is easier to see them in the summer as some like to find warm places to hibernate during the fall and winter months.
Click here for a quick video

Learning a new song is always fun. Here's a song about bats.
Here's a song to learn

Owls are also a night prowler.  If you were in Brownies you might have called your leaders by different owl names.  
Do you know about the special senses that owls have?
Watch this about owls


Try making this owl.  Send a picture of your and we will put it on the blog!
Make an owl

Sunday, November 8, 2020

As Guides, we will remember too

This week includes Nov. 11th, a time when we take a moment out of our regular routine and remember the past.  Four years ago I travelled to France to learn more about Canada's participation in the World Wars. 

We have a few activities so can learn more about this day of remembrance.
For me it's a day to show your support for veterans and their families and those who are on active duty.

We already did an activity together when we wrote postcards to Noah (my great nephew, who is currently serving with the Canadian Forces on a peace-keeping mission in Europe).

Here's a story that is read out loud and has pictures to get you started -
Click here to hear a story

This year we can't go to a ceremony due to Covid, so here are a few things you can do to observe Remembrance Day 2020.

As Guides we are thrifty and look around at what we have at home that we might be able to use to make a craft. If you don't have all the materials, improvise!   Hang your your poppy or poppies in a window so other people can see them.
My pinwheel works pretty well and actually blows in the wind.

Sew a poppy!

Thumbprint Poppy
Or create something of your own! Some people like to make peace cranes instead.

SEND us a picture and we will post it on the our blog!

Did you know
Girl Guides around the world were busy in their communities during the First and Second World Wars. In a book called “How the Girl Guides won the War” by Janie Hampton describes some of the skills that Guiding provided to women who joined the Forces as nurses, ambulance drivers and decoding messages.

Here is a CBC broadcast from Oct. 31st 1942. On the broadcast present and former members of Guiding at the time explain why Guiding was important during the war efforts.
Ready to hear Guides from the past?

Don't want to do crafts?
Another thing you can do is learn how to communicate across distances.
This use to be part of every Guide's program. You would get a card to put in the pocket of your uniform. You do not need Semaphore flags to do this. Here is a chart to help you learn the alphabet.  

Here is a demonstration!

NEW Health Orders for Nov. 7th

All West Coast, Lions, Lougheed, and Fraser Skies Area units will be moving to Virtual and Anytime Guiding effective immediatel
By now, most of you will have seen the new public health orders announced by Dr. Bonnie Henry earlier today, which prohibit "social gatherings" with those outside of our immediate households. We are still working with the BC Ministry of Health to determine whether or not organized outdoor GGC activities are considered a social gathering. However, out of an abundance of caution and to ensure that we’re doing our part to stop the spread, we will be moving all* units in West Coast, Lions, Lougheed and Fraser Skies Areas to Virtual and Anytime Guiding effective immediately and cancelling in-person activities.


As with the public health orders, this will remain in effect for the next two weeks (today at 10:00 p.m. to Monday, Nov 23 at 3:00 p.m.).

OUR FIRST meeting will be November 23rd!  at 6:30 pm


Due to the unpredictable weather for today and overnight and knowing there is no place to park once we get to the church, we are cancelling ...