Sunday, November 15, 2020

Nov. 16 Working on the Alberta Girl Guides Night Powler challenge


November 16th 
Over the last month we have been working on a challenge from the Alberta Girl Guides called the "Night Prowl" challenge. 
Our geocaching at night started off our activities.  
One of our very clear night sky parking lot meetings we also identified three planets - Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

This week our information is about animals who like to come out at night!
On our Halloween party night we shaped our edible treat to look like a bat.
Have you seen a bat here in Vancouver? Sometimes they are hard to spot. In Vancouver it is easier to see them in the summer as some like to find warm places to hibernate during the fall and winter months.
Click here for a quick video

Learning a new song is always fun. Here's a song about bats.
Here's a song to learn

Owls are also a night prowler.  If you were in Brownies you might have called your leaders by different owl names.  
Do you know about the special senses that owls have?
Watch this about owls


Try making this owl.  Send a picture of your and we will put it on the blog!
Make an owl

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Due to the unpredictable weather for today and overnight and knowing there is no place to park once we get to the church, we are cancelling ...