Sunday, November 22, 2020

Service Projects

This week I wanted our group to focus on “service projects”.

As Girl Guides we try to do things that help other people.
Things we have done in the past include making cards for seniors and veterans for different holidays, beach clean ups, making emergency kits for families in shelters, garbage clean up in the neighbourhood and lots of others.

I heard a radio interview with another Guide Leader on CBC radio. She talked about a project both her family and her Guide group is doing.
It’s free and it’s fun.
My sister and I started doing this project last year. You get to give a name to your storm drain! 
We named our two storm drains in front of our house– “
The Grate Bar Rier Reef” and “No Re Leaf In Sight”.

To get started go to 
the city of Vancouver website -

Click here for the City of Vancouver Website

Here is a video to tell you what is all about- 
Watch this

Take a picture and tell us the name you have given to your storm drain and email to our Guide email! 

CAMPFIRE at home!
I miss singing with all of you. Here is a virtual campfire for you from the Alberta Girl Guides. 
Click to start a campfire

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Due to the unpredictable weather for today and overnight and knowing there is no place to park once we get to the church, we are cancelling ...