Monday, May 30, 2022

Outdoor Camping Skills Night #1

Tonight we started gaining skills in tent raising, fire building and flag etiquette. 
We did not get to our snack nor did we create our waterproofing matches this week. 
We will complete the remaining stations next week (June 6th) if the weather is poor June 13th again at Jacquie's house.

Here are a few pictures...

Monday, May 16, 2022

Cheddar Herb Scones treats

Tonight we went back into our part of the garden.
The carrots have started to pop out of the ground!

We tried to remove all the anise that has invaded the garden. 

We continued tonight to work on our tasty treats badge by making an individual cheese herb scone.
First we picked out own herbs. We chose from chives, parsley, thyme and rosemary.
Here is the recipe we used to make one scone-
50 ml flour
5 ml sugar
2 ml baking powder
1 dash of salt
30 ml whipping cream
10 m cheese grated.

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.  Stir to form a dough. Use your hands and form a round ball.
Squish the ball down until it is 2cm in height.
In a 200C (or 400F) oven bake (on a baking tray lined with parchment paper) for about 15 minutes.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Eating from the Garden

This week at Guides we went out into the garden and picked rhubarb!

We added a sliced strawberry to about 125 ml diced rhubarb and then to each serving we added 15 ml flour, 5 ml cornstarch and 15 ml sugar.
After putting that into a oven-proof ramekin we created a topping from 15 ml margarine, 15ml brown sugar, 30 ml flour and optional was 1 ml of cinnamon.
Jacquie turned on the ice cream maker and after 25 minutes we were ready to eat! Yum.

We also made signs for the garden and rock markers for the different things we planted (we will finish next week).

Monday, May 2, 2022

Planting our Guide Garden!

Tonight we got excited about planting our part of the community garden behind the church. 
We used two types of planting - sowing seeds (sweet peas and carrots) and transplanted; pansies, white alyssum, oregano, parsley, chives, thyme, spearmint and mint.  
We created a border for our part of the garden with our flowers and then along the fence we planted sweeet peas. Beside our flower borders we planted a row of carrots and then our herbs.

Our inside crafts were a sunflower card with real sunflower seeds to plant and then some bees to stake into an inside plant.  


Due to the unpredictable weather for today and overnight and knowing there is no place to park once we get to the church, we are cancelling ...