Sunday, February 28, 2021

Visiting our World Centre in Mexico!

The closest World Centre to us is Our Cabana.
More BC Guides have been to this centre due to the location being so near to us.  

Let's learn about Our Cabana.
Our Cabana Tour

One very special place in Mexico you can visit.
An amazing place to visit

We get to make our craft this week! 

Let's dance!
Learn a Mexican Dance

Next week we are going to talk about the last World Centre and it will be PET WEEK.
You can "bring" your pet to our zoom meeting.  

Please be ready to answer the following -
What do you do for the correct handling, exercise, feeding, grooming and medical care of your pet?
Know how to recognize an illness in your pet. What should you do if your pet is ill?
Know the diseases that are common to your pet and when your pet should receive shots.
Describe the type and amount of food your pet needs.
Are you the one who is responsible for the daily care of your pet?
Consider taking charge for Spring Break.
Discuss the care of your pet with your Unit. Know the local laws that apply to your pet. 
Share something interesting about your pet with your Unit.

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Due to the unpredictable weather for today and overnight and knowing there is no place to park once we get to the church, we are cancelling ...