Sunday, February 28, 2021

Visiting our World Centre in Mexico!

The closest World Centre to us is Our Cabana.
More BC Guides have been to this centre due to the location being so near to us.  

Let's learn about Our Cabana.
Our Cabana Tour

One very special place in Mexico you can visit.
An amazing place to visit

We get to make our craft this week! 

Let's dance!
Learn a Mexican Dance

Next week we are going to talk about the last World Centre and it will be PET WEEK.
You can "bring" your pet to our zoom meeting.  

Please be ready to answer the following -
What do you do for the correct handling, exercise, feeding, grooming and medical care of your pet?
Know how to recognize an illness in your pet. What should you do if your pet is ill?
Know the diseases that are common to your pet and when your pet should receive shots.
Describe the type and amount of food your pet needs.
Are you the one who is responsible for the daily care of your pet?
Consider taking charge for Spring Break.
Discuss the care of your pet with your Unit. Know the local laws that apply to your pet. 
Share something interesting about your pet with your Unit.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Monday, February 22nd HAPPY THINKING DAY

It's a very exciting day for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world.
It's Thinking Day! 


Each Guide is asked to present something about their cultural background.
If you have a national costume or outfit it would be great if you want to wear it or show it to us. 
Each Guide will get to share a little bit about their background or if they don't want to share about their own family background they can choose a country they would like to present about (they should choose a country that has Guiding in it).

Have you found a blue light for Guiding?   
See the news story here -
Read about it in the news story

Many of the landmarks that light up in BC will be participating!
I put up my lights in my window (see photo above) but your own tea light candle counts too.
BC Girl Guides has some other suggestions for you and I have included them as attachments.

Also gather the following ingredients ready for a birthday cake in a mug! 
4 tablespoons (60 ml) all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons (30 ml) sugar
1/2 teaspoon (1 ml) baking powder
4 tablespoons (60 ml) milk (or a dairy-free milk substitute oat, soy, almond etc.)
1 1/2 tablespoons (22 ml) flavourless oil (sunflower, vegetable or coconut oil)
1/4 teaspoon (2 ml) vanilla extract
* Optional - 1 tablespoon (15 ml) sprinkles (or chocolate chips) or nothing at all

Cake in a Mug video

Instead of the normal Happy Birthday we are going to sing two songs -

Thinking Day Song
Singing Happy Birthday Rock Style

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Guiding in Hong Kong! Our Meeting for Feb 8th

This week is a very important week for a lot of families!
There is Lunar New Year, Valentine's Day and Family Day.

We are going to get to know about Guiding in a place that celebrates Lunar New Year, Hong Kong.
Let's hear from some Girl Guides in Hong Kong!
History of HK Girl Guides
Learn about HK Girl Guides from Girls

Time to make our paper doll.
Cut out the shape of your Guide and colour the uniform and attach to the paper doll.
Cut out the stand.  You can get your paper doll to stand up using the stand provided.
Using the extra paper, design a new modern uniform!

It's time to celebrate Lunar New Year. 
What is Lunar New Year About?

We do celebrate in Canada as well.
Alissa tells you what you about Lunar New Year

Let's learn the basic dance for a lion.
How to do a lion dance


Due to the unpredictable weather for today and overnight and knowing there is no place to park once we get to the church, we are cancelling ...