Sunday, January 31, 2021

Pax Lodge (England)

Our next World Centre we are going to visit is Pax Lodge.
This week we are going to visit London! 
This week all you need from your activity bag is your decafe tea bag and find your favourite tea cup in your house.
We will have a time during the meeting when you will boil the water and steep the tea.

London is the city that Jacquie has visited the most and the longest and she will be the tour guide today.
She was lucky enough to visit the city with Girl Guides as well.  
We watched the PowerPoint.  

Pax Lodge video
Go on a virtual tour

Let's learn to make tea!
Tea Time

Time to learn to dance! This is a dance that was popular in the 1940s and people relearned for the 75th Anniversary of D Day.  
Start here to learn the Lindy Hop

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October 7

Tonight we found out who our patrol leaders are and formed our patrols- robins, kingfishers, daffodils and bluebells. We learned about and s...