Saturday, September 19, 2020

Welcome to our BLOG!


Hello and welcome our the new Girl Guide year.
Instead of a website like last year we are going to try use a blog to track of what we are doing.

For September 21st, our first week, make sure you bring...

“Be Prepared” for being outside!
- A backpack or bag to put your stuff in
- A jacket or sweater
- A water bottle (already filled)
- A mask that is worn to the meeting
(We are also supplying a hand-made mask with each Guides’ name on it)
- Rain coat (in case the weather turns)
- A camp chair or sit-a-upon (we will be sitting on cement paving)
- A flashlight! (it gets dark early)
- $1 for dues every week (You only need to pay if you attend a meeting)

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Due to the unpredictable weather for today and overnight and knowing there is no place to park once we get to the church, we are cancelling ...