Monday, March 29, 2021

March 29th On-Line Meeting

This week our meeting will be on zoom.  
I hope everyone had a great Spring Break!  

How is everyone doing on their can collecting???

Our plan is to have our first in-person meeting on April 12.

Today we are going to learn about the final World Centre.    Kusafiri
And then review all of the World Centres Watch this!

GAME TIME.  Kahoot! PIN 303 4697

We are going to learn about bees!  Bee info and song
About bees

This is a book "Save the Bees" An illustrated version

If all goes according to plan, our first meeting in-person will be... 
April 12th and we will be decorating a container for our own flower seeds, helping with the garden boxes in the parking lot.  

GIRL GUIDES scavenger hunt for tonight... GIRL GUIDES.
We looked for items for each of the letters.

Girl Guide Campfire 
Fire's Burning
I like the flowers
The Moose Song
ASL Taps

Congratulations on completing the Five World Centre Challenge!
You will get your patch at our first in-person meeting.  

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Pet Night! March 8th

This week we will sharing everything we know about our pets.


To help raise money for our Canadian World Friendship Fund. 
The Canadian World Friendship Fund (CWFF) consists of money raised by all members of Girl Guides of Canada.
This money is used for many different worthwhile projects that help Canadian girls and Guiders as well as our sisters in Guiding worldwide!
CWFF money is used to support:
• Disaster relief
• Twinning projects
• Mutual aid projects
• World Centers 

• International travel
• In/out travel grants
• Western Hemisphere region work

Click here to learn about the CWFF

We encourage you to recycle enough bottles and cans to reach a goal of $5 per GUIDE.
How can we set a goal to return 50 container? 
I know that is a lot but think about how you might be able to find enough cans and bottles?

What do you have at home?
Go on a walk in your neighbourhood see if there are any on the ground.
Ask your friends and neighbours to assist you in your goal.

We would like you to take back your own containers back and bring in the money when we meet in person in April. 

We would like complete our goal by MAY.


Due to the unpredictable weather for today and overnight and knowing there is no place to park once we get to the church, we are cancelling ...